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What is Immigration?
Immigration has existed since the dawn of human history, and people have left their homelands and lands for several centuries and for many different reasons. In ancient times, primitive man moved from one place to another constantly in search of food or for fishing, both sea and land. Then the reasons for his emigration changed, so he moved in search of fertile land for agriculture and to build new civilizations. But today, the world is still witnessing multiple migrations to and from different countries of the world for various reasons. But what is the concept of migration? What are its types? its causes? Effects on the individual and society? What are the most important tips that may help you to a successful migration?!
Immigration Concept
Immigration expresses the movement of individuals from their place of origin to another place with the aim of settling in and searching for better standards of life.

Types of Immigration


It is the global movement of individuals to another country of which they do not hold its nationality to settle there as permanent residents or citizens who are granted the nationality of the country after a certain period. Therefore, travel for the purpose of tourism or study does not fall under the concept of immigration, knowing that studying abroad may be one of the steps that lead to immigration.

It is, as the name expresses, the process of individuals moving from one place to another, but within the state or one country, such as moving from the countryside to cities in search of better job opportunities, for example, or migrating to the countryside, which spreads in particular among retirees and the elderly who are looking for calm away From the hustle and bustle of the city.
Tips for successful immigration
Pre-travel tips
1- Learn more about the country to which you will immigrate, because immigration procedures and laws differ from one country to another, and each country has its own requirements.
2- Start your search for a suitable job opportunity before you travel, and learn about the requirements for obtaining a work visa to the country to which you will migrate.
3- You will likely need to communicate remotely before immigrating, so train yourself for phone and video job interviews.
4- If you are an international student seeking to emigrate after completing your studies abroad, be sure to know the visa policies, as well as the different disciplines and how they affect the time you can spend in the foreign country after the end of your studies.
5- Prepare yourself for career success abroad, by learning about the work culture in the country to which you will immigrate, and identifying the aspects and skills that you must develop to adapt to this new work environment.
6- Make sure that you know most of the methods in the field of visas and immigration procedures and how to avoid them.
7- Develop your English language skills, and then select the appropriate proficiency test that you need to pass based on the immigration instructions provided by the host country.
8- Look for scholarships, financial grants, and any other assistance opportunities that will reduce your immigration costs.
9- Be sure to protect your mental health. The process of immigration and settling in a new country can be stressful, accompanied by feelings of tension, loneliness and fear. Learn how to control these feelings and how to maintain your mental health through these changes.
10- Make sure that you are up to date with the latest decisions and procedures related to immigration that may affect your future plans to work and live in the host country.

Websites to help you find a job
Job search tips for job interviews
1- Ask yourself: am I fully prepared to start looking for work in the host country? Getting started without a proper strategy can lead to you missing out on many important opportunities.
2- Use an expert in the field of human resources to familiarize yourself with the procedures and process of recruitment in the country in which you will immigrate to work.
3- The first step to getting a good job is to have a strong CV, so be sure to prepare one.
4- Avoid the following three things on your CV: Your profile picture. Your expectations about the salary you would like to receive. Writing a resume that exceeds one or two pages maximum.
5- Keep a comprehensive record of all the jobs you have applied for, making sure to keep a copy of the job description for each job opportunity, since it will be crossed out from the official website once the application period ends, and you will need the information in this description if you qualify for the job interview stage.
6- The best way to successfully pass job interviews is through training and exercise. Learn about the different types of job interviews and develop your skills in them so that you are ready for the interview date.
7- Did you know that there are certain cultural traditions and ethics regarding what you should do after a job interview? So be sure to familiarize yourself with these ethics in the country in which you apply to work, and commit to implementing them after every job interview you conduct.
8- Take advantage of LinkedIn as much as possible, by setting up a professional profile that will attract employers to you.